Thursday, October 15, 2009


Besides all the gals in this competition and the fact that I am so sick and tired of being a big girl, I finally have found some other things that get me up and onto my stationary bike at home. I watch and dvr my favorite funny lady (Ellen DeGeneres) and for that hour while I am laughing I am also getting my exercise. Yesterday was particularly motivating because she had on Allison Sweeny (sp?) You know, the host of The biggest Loser. As I worked out they were talking about how good it is to workout and how they were proud of the people on the show for changing there lives. I really only meant to spend 45 minutes riding but was so motivated I spent an extra 10 minutes riding. I find that motivation comes in a lot of forms. Mostly from the gals in this competition but I have also found other things that help me to get up and get moving. Watching my favorite daytime talk show while on a stationary bike is just one thing. Now all I have to do is figure out how to dance while on the bike and I will be set. :)


  1. Whatever works and I am glad you found what works for you. I am still working on that. Way to stay motivated.

  2. I too think motivation is a personal thing. I am glad you found yours!! Keep it up.
