Saturday, September 12, 2009

quicksand...please don't let me "Fall" now!

Today I feel my legs are in quicksand...and 10 miles away lies my next goal...its a small one but I know I can at least reach it. My goal for the month is, walking with old friends from high school and seeing the scale go from what it is now to 199lbs. It sounds like I am taking on a lot but if I could just drop 15 lbs by the 1st, I will have made it for the summer. O.k. maybe I can call this my long term/short term-ish goal.
The meds seem to be winning over my mind...(making me feel lazy) this is where I need the motivation. My doc kinda sorta in his own little way, urged me to take the weekend to sleep...I got 8 hours last night, on one more pill I take at night. I think this is the first time this month and last month that I got more then 6 hours. It is amazing how just sleeping makes me feel. I had forgotten. I would like to think all the girls publicly for there support. All my friends for there know who you are and if you don't I am talking about you. As long as I have my girls, I will be alright. By the FALL I want to be at least 10lbs lighter then my current weight. September 22, 2009. We will be welcoming Fall.


  1. Hey, good luck with the sleep and the new meds! Your attitude sounds great. I know we all give lots of advice on these blogs but I think most of us really know what we need to do - it is just hard to do it alone! Keep up that exercise and good luck to you!

  2. Thanks you ellura...I love your name. How's your Weight loss venture working for you? I like the advice...hopefully we can talk more in the future.

  3. sleep can make a huge difference in weight loss. also in how we feel. it's very important and is a struggle that i've had to fight with. good luck
