Friday, October 9, 2009

Abilify Begone

My Doc took me off Abilify Wednesday after I made him aware of all the side affects that were happening to me. We are just going to stick with the other meds, the abilify should be out in 2-5 days. With my Lithium up by 150mg and me taking 450mg in slow release in the morning and then 600mg at night with Serequil I am sure to be fine. So goodbye Abilify and hello Sanity. The Mania has left the building. :)


  1. I'm pretty sure my mom just convinced her dr to put her on that shit! UGH!

  2. That "shit" just might work for her. I'm a Lithium girl so not much else works for me but that. My Doc likes to try me on stuff that has been working for other people when I have problems. Nothing but what I am on seems to work. It could work for you mom but it has a lot of bad side affects so have her watch out for them. I can let you know the side affects. I have a list.
